Section: our villages, historical gems between Val d’Orcia and Valdichiana

pubblicato il 14/04/2017 17:31:38
Chiusi has always been considered one of the most ancient Etruscan town. And the most important historical figure of that period was King Porsenna that at the end of 6th century B.C. besieged and conquered Rome.
Through the century King Porsenna became a legend and many places in Chiusi remind us of its figure, like the “Porsenna’s Labyrinth”, an underground network of narrow tunnels part of a complex and clever Etruscan hydraulic system. The accessible part of this tunnels is 130 metres long and represents a proof of how much advanced was the knowledge of the Etruscan civilization.
Another interesting place to visit in Chiusi is the “Underground City” where along 150 metres of tunnels has been arranged the “Epigraphic” section, the unique Italian exhibition dedicated to the Etruscan funerary epigraphy. More than 300 urns and 200 grave tiles with Etruscan inscriptions are collected here and represents an incredible historical heritage. The tunnels end at an incredible underground lake.
Chiusi was considered a coveted location because its soil was fertile for the agriculture and its position was strategic. The town in fact was built along an important commercial “road”, the Chiana river, that was navigable at that time and joining the Tiber river flew into the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Chiusi is sorrounded by hills and many of them in the Etruscan period where burial grounds. At the end of the 18th Century more than a thousand of graves where discovered in Chiusi and the surrounding area.

- Chiusi is the town that left the highest number of inscriptions belonging to the period between the III and I century B.C. in a number higher than that discovered in Rome and Athens.
- Un unmissable summer event is the “Orizzonti” Festival. The event takes place between July and August, and involved the entire town. The Festival is dedicated mostly to the Performing Arts, with stage shows, ballets and Operas. During the Festival period is possible to meet famous theatre or dance artists.
- Chiusi is also known for the Palla al Bracciale game. This team game dated back the Middle Ages and became the official town game in the early Eighties. The team is made of 3 players and a launcher. The 3 players wear a sort of “cuff” (Bracciale
, usually derived from a single piece of walnut wood that is used as a racket to hit the ball. The annual event called “Ruzzi della Conca” takes place every summer at the end of August.)

Chianciano Terme (Siena)
Tel:0578 64943